Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cabins Come In All Shapes and Sizes

I like the beach just like the next guy. Actually the next guy likes it better than I do and that's why I live in the mountains. There's a lot to be said for the ocean, lapping waves, sea breeze, warm temperatures, bikinis, and sand. But for my dollar I'll take the mountains hands down.

There's a lot of different styles of homes here in Ashe County. Some very big and some very small. Some made of cedar and some made of metal. But the truth of the matter is that no matter what type home you live in, the North CArolina mountains are like no other place.

We have some very beautiful properties that take full advantage of our mountain terrain. The views are fantastic while enjoying a leisurely breakfast as the sun welcomes or a glass of wine at sunset...truth of the matter is that the views are enjoyable all the time. There's nothing like looking out 50-100 miles and seeing the weather change. It's like being in the pilot's seat 24/7.

Ashe County has more than just sky high properties. There are many with beautiful creeks running through them creating sounds that relax the most tense heart. If you like valleys, we have those too. No matter what area of the county, high or low, you can expect to see and feel the High Country everywhere.

Cabins for second home owners are readily available in all sizes and shapes. You'll find large homes on both large & small parcels of land. Medium and smaller cabins abound on many different size parcels as well. Large parcels don't mean lots of yard work. Many larger parcels have a smaller dedicated space for the house pad but have remaining acreage that is heavily wooded. Some owners like horses and have room for stables and riding. Other prefer being hidden in the woods. Whatever your preference, Ashe County has it all.

Some second home owners want to keep their piece of heaven private while others choose to place their properties on a rental program. Being so close to many amenities like the New River, skiing, etc. affords you an opportunity to allow your property to serve as a source of revenue as well as a personal sanctuary. You truly can have it both ways.

Big or small, rustic or more traditional, it really doesn't matter as long as you have a refuge where you can unwind.

Our door is always open...come on up!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Enjoy A Mountain 'ZERO' Day

A majority of the time weather in the mountains is beyond stellar. The days are mostly clear skies with some light floating clouds, wonderful temperatures without all the humidity, and nature at every turn in the form of trees, wildlife and birds.

But there are days that turn up not so stellar but wonderful all the same. Rain happens and we get our share but there's something different about rain here as it drops on our tin roof making the most soothing sounds. Clouds rolling through have a wispy almost cotton candy look about them. Rain gives us an ever changing view.

The woods around our cabin take on a gray look this time of year. They become especially variegated in their grayness after a rain. Some branches are darker than others while others almost turn white. In picking the color of our cabin we chose a gray that matches the mass of trees around us. Our desire to blend in after the leaves fall has been successful.

I let our dog out the on a rainy night and could see off at a distance a set of eyes watching us. It's my normal practice to have a handheld spot light handy and I used it to discover a deer bedding down not far from our cabin. We do have deer...not city deer that eat everything but country deer that appreciate and enjoy what Mother Nature provides.

One of the benefits of getting a wet weather day here in Ashe County is it gives me time to re-group. Don't get me wrong, I don't live a particularly stressful life but I still like to take a 'zero' day once in awhile. I enjoy doing nothing better than looking out the window while it's raining or snowing. There's something about watching my environment quieting down and refreshing itself.

If you're experiencing wet weather where you are I hope you can take a 'zero' day too. Stop for a moment and take a look out your window. You might be surprised at how therapeutic it can be.

Come Sit A Spell